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A Beginner’s Guide To Email Marketing

Written by Mike Hepburn on October 1, 2022

Why do customers continue to rely on email marketing? To what extent do you value email marketing, and do you believe this decade-old strategy is still relevant in today’s business world? All of these questions are answered in the affirmative.

In a blog written by Neil Patel, with a user base of over 4.5 billion people, email is the king of marketing channels. And as a digital marketer, you should not pass up the chance to use something as practical as email marketing.

What Constitutes Email Marketing?

It is a method of reaching out to prospective buyers through carefully crafted emails in order to close the deal. Furthermore, it simplifies the process of informing our target market about the advantages of our products and services.

How Should Email Marketing Be Executed?

1. Identify Your Target Audience

Determine who you wish to communicate with and divide them into subgroups based on factors such as where they live, their age, the companies they work for, what they buy, how frequently they open your emails, etc.

2. Make Sure You’re Using A Suitable Email Marketing Service.

Select an email marketing platform that meets your company’s needs. Following that, create campaigns and a call to action.

3. Improve the Email’s Core Components

  • Grab readers’ attention with a captivating headline
  • Be careful when selecting preview text.
  • Provide helpful information to your target demographic
  • Feature a prominent call to action for site visitors
  • Create visually appealing emails by including relevant images.
  • Develop emails that are accessible on mobile devices.
  • Gain the trust of your target audience.

4. Audience

  • Collect user data and use it to create targeted mailing lists.
  • Send marketing campaigns immediately or at a predetermined time.
  • Be sure to stick to a consistent schedule to earn the trust of your target demographic.

4. Evaluate Results

  • A/B test your email subject lines, preheaders, body copy, calls to action, and landing pages to find the best wording.
  • Evaluate results (open rate, CTR rate, response, and rate)
  • A “soft bounce” in the case of the email indicates that the message was successfully delivered to the intended recipient but was rejected by the recipient’s mail server.
  • When an email is permanently rejected, it is said to be a “hard bounce.”
  • The Open Rate for an email campaign is the fraction of recipients who opened the message.
  • ‘Click-through rate’ refers to the number of people who opened your email and clicked on the call-to-action button.
  • The “response rate” is the percentage of people who clicked on your email campaign’s link and completed the survey.
  • The forward rate is the percentage of recipients who received your email campaigns due to a forward from one of your subscribers.
  • Bounce Rate – A hard and a soft bounce are the two distinct types of bounce.

Email Marketing: How to Put It into Practice

Determine who you want to reach and segment them based on factors such as where they live, the services they use, what they’ve previously purchased, how frequently they check their email, and so on. Next, select an email marketing service that meets your requirements. The next step is to create campaigns based on the previously mentioned suggestions.

For information on email marketing, please contact us today, and one of our team members will call you shortly to discuss your requirements.